Pedicure or exorcism?

I went to Varanasi with Dave recently – do you know the place?
Its where many Indians go to cremate their dead. The city is choked with teams of people running through town with beautifully draped corpses. You can hear them coming because there are always at least 2 drummers with the team. Just imagine: drummers with JOBS! Plus an audience that cant throw things at you.

Anyway we spent a lot of time walking around the ghats – and there is grey dust everywhere, and grey mud – and the city itself is swathed in a grey mist, and grey dust. You’re walking around – and you know whats in that grey dust. Now its a week later and my feet are still black. I cant get the dead people out of my feet. And you thought cracked heels were bad. Its freaking me out. I need a spiritual podiatrist. Or maybe a spiritualist with a foot fetish. I’m not sure.




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