Old Pune

Pune is the eighth largest city in India with a population of 6 million people. Our neighbourhood, Koregaon Park, is upmarket, leafy and hosts expats working in IT and education along with visitors to the Osho Ashram. In the centre of town there is old Pune, It survived massive floods in 1961 and it’s here that you find rows of traditional shops selling saris, jewellery, hardware, sandals, musical instruments… Lucinda, Audrey and I came here to shop for saris.

The tall wooden buildings that house these shops and living quarters are on the verge of collapse. They were once beautifully ornate with carvings, wooden fretwork and coloured glass. It seems very unlikely that they will be restored. I expect they’ll be replaced with monotonous, utilitarian concrete. So here’s a little homage to the craftsmanship that went before. (Pics taken in Lakshmi Road)





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