An enormous caterpillar!

The wild, wonderful, generous and impulsive Linda and Dianne sent us a treasure trove of gifts today all the way from Gloucester, Massachusetts, including a furry caterpillar 7 feet long, “Juggling for Complete Klutzses (for me!), a dress enrirely covered in watermelons, pears, lemons and cherries and the most luxuriant bathrobe you have every seen. There’s more stuff in there we haven’t even glimpsed yet. I don’t know how they got such a huge box of unexpected pleasure over here so fast.

We were exhausted after a bad night with Lucinda, and then had this most excellent surprise. Thanks, guys.





2 Replies to “An enormous caterpillar!”

  1. So glad to know your presies arrived safely, and on such an appropriate day! The big box was all about the caterpillar, of course. When I saw that each segment contained a letter of the alphabet, I knew that the Tasma household needed him. It is never too soon to learn how to read!

  2. The Puzzled Centipede

    A centipede was happy quite,
    Until a frog in fun
    Said, “Pray, which leg comes after which?”
    She lay distracted in the ditch
    Considering how to run.

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