Happy New Year.. and ears.

Celebrated New Year in Pune. Fe and Alan came to visit for a couple of days. And, of course, we let off some more fireworks and wore silly head gear. But before any of that Lucinda decided to fulfil her Christmas present and have her ears’ pierced.

Small gold wire ear rings
Small gold wire ear rings that were pushed through her ear lobes. Afterwards Nick had to carry an hysterical Lucinda through the gold jewellery store, pass the ladies with their horrified looks, and outside to calm down.

On the plus side, having your ears pierced means shopping for ear rings with Christmas money. Something Lucinda has shown a real talent for.
Having your ears pierced means shopping for ear rings with Christmas money. Something Lucinda has shown a real talent for.

My little devil
My little devil

New Year's Day brunch with Fe and Alan.
New Year’s Day brunch with Fe and Alan.

I’ve saved the best pic for last…
New year... new man!
New year… new man!