Ethan’s 8th: a big day for the lil fella.

Woke Up,
saw a frog,
Got lots of presents,
my mum made me a card with a green tree frog on it,
Went to a tropical beach and swam with face-mask & flippers for the first time,
my front tooth fell out in the water,
came back home,
had a party with a choc-chip ice-cream cake that looked like an echidna,
and marshmallows, and chocolate biscuits, and chips,
had half a bottle of ginger beer,
had a proper country milkshake (chocolate), made in an aluminium cup,
went to the pool,
had KFC,
had a Golden Gaytime icecream,
came home to another party,
had more presents,
and another cake,
set off party poppers,
ate 4 kit kats,
a band of fire twirlers arrived and performed specially for me for half an hour,
threw up.

Fishing with Ethan at Apollo Bay

The band were playing at the Apollo Bay Music festival, and the family came along (except for Eric) …

Just after these shots were taken, Ethan ran straight into the ocean in his new shoes. He was genuinely surprised when he found out that wasn’t a good idea. After that, he lost us for a few minutes, and thought we had driven off without him (we hadnt!) – and he did just the right thing, going back to the last place we were, then talking to a family nearby. I was proud of the way he handled himself.

Grade 2: It’s brutal out there

Man, its tough for boys out there in grade 2. In 10 days, Ethan has:
* been in a fist-fight,
* had a door slammed into his face, splitting his lip and loosening teeth (pic),
* been kicked in the eye, with resulting li’l shiner
* had a cut across his throat (he did ask for it – literally asked his friend Max ” can you get that giant branch, and make a scar across my throat?
* skidded & slipped on asphalt, ending up with a 1.5 inch square dressing on his knee.

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