Valentines day mini-feast

The wonderful Tahli is here to help us out. Last night we had a candlelight Valentines Day mini-feast of Tom Yum soup followed by peach pie with a slightly ginger-flavoured crust.



Ethan and Tahli have been building a cubby together, among lots of other wonderful stuff. My favourite Ethan quote on the topic of Tahli is “Dad, when are you guys going to go away again to that Tahli can look after me?” Right now Tahli is at the Chewton pool with both children.

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Tahli is here

We’re stoked because Tahli is staying with us for a ten weeks as she has a very cool job with the Melbourne Fringe. We have missed Josh and Tahli so much since they moved to Sydney.

But look out .. she’s very fierce!


See! I told you so!

But then, when you’re babysitting Superman, you have to be.

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