Homework with Ethan

Ethan’s doing his homework and Fiona is nearby. His task is to find Australiana words for each letter of the alphabet. He’s at “S”.
Fi: can you think of a big Australian City beginning with “S”?
Ethan: Scamberra.
Fiona: Nope.
Ethan: Spazmania!
Fiona: Nope.

Ethan: how about “U”?
Fiona: hmm. OK. What’s that gigantic rock out in the middle. Of Australia ? The famous one.
Ethan: The UltraRock?


Star Power.

Ethan came back to school after a week and a half off in Far North Queensland. When he entered his grade three class, they were all very excited to see him back, and there was a lot of hugging.

“That was nice”, says Anthony, his grade 2 class teacher.

“I always make time for my fans.” says Ethan.

I know! But I swear every word of this is true.

Standard Buckethead shot.


Barbara says that all family albums are the same, if you squint a bit – “trip to the beach”, “Christmas”, and so on. If she’s right, I think “child with bucket on head” is part of the canon.
Blame this one on my genes, not Fiona’s!

Annoucement from Ethan: God is Dead

In case you were wondering, God is Dead.
Ethan: God is Dead.
Uncle Graeme: “Why do you say that?
Ethan: God is a spirit, right?
Uncle Graeme: Yes.
Ethan: Well, spirits are what are left after you die. Right?
Uncle Graeme: Well, yes .. but ..
Ethan: And, the Devil RULES. I mean, he’s got Zombies, Evil spirits, Vampires, Demons, Devils … What’s God got?
Uncle Graeme: well ..
Ethan: Angels. What are they like? They are like dolls, with wings. Baby Dolls. So, who will win?
Uncle Graeme: (weeps quietly)