Ethan’s 8th: a big day for the lil fella.

Woke Up,
saw a frog,
Got lots of presents,
my mum made me a card with a green tree frog on it,
Went to a tropical beach and swam with face-mask & flippers for the first time,
my front tooth fell out in the water,
came back home,
had a party with a choc-chip ice-cream cake that looked like an echidna,
and marshmallows, and chocolate biscuits, and chips,
had half a bottle of ginger beer,
had a proper country milkshake (chocolate), made in an aluminium cup,
went to the pool,
had KFC,
had a Golden Gaytime icecream,
came home to another party,
had more presents,
and another cake,
set off party poppers,
ate 4 kit kats,
a band of fire twirlers arrived and performed specially for me for half an hour,
threw up.