Standard Buckethead shot.


Barbara says that all family albums are the same, if you squint a bit – “trip to the beach”, “Christmas”, and so on. If she’s right, I think “child with bucket on head” is part of the canon.
Blame this one on my genes, not Fiona’s!

Poisonous Flower Drill.

Last night we had a fire drill here at Tasma (yeah I know, paranoid) – teaching the kids to get down low and crawl to the front door, and go out to the letterbox if there was a fire. When we finished, Lucinda (4) said “That’s for fire, right? What about the BATS? What about the POISONOUS FLOWERS?”.

We just hadnt covered enough bases for our Lucinda.

An email from Pat

Ethan and Lucinda had the weekend down at Nanna Pat’s, and Pat sent this intriguing exchange through to me:

+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_ SNIP +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_

Hi Folks,
I have just had a fascinating conversation with Lucinda, so jotted it down to share with you in case I forgot. We were sitting on opposite sides of the table – me doing my puzzles in the paper, and she drawing pictures, when apropos of nothing:

L: It’s hard being me.
P. Why?
L: I fall over, and Audrey hurts me. One time she pushed a doll into my head. [Other Audrey “events” were added here, but I couldn’t write fast enough!]
L: [After a moment’s thought and with a sigh.] So it’s hard being Lucinda.
I’ll have to be someone else.
P: If you were someone else, who would you like to be?
L: A different one of me.
P: So Audrey’s the problem is she?
L: [Here followed several Audrey gripes, the one I liked best was..] She stinks the whole place out when she has a pooey nappy.

All this was said without any angst or venom, but rather with an air of resignation.
And we thought Ethan was the original thinker!
I think we’re in for a delightful weekend.
love, Mum