Valentines day mini-feast

The wonderful Tahli is here to help us out. Last night we had a candlelight Valentines Day mini-feast of Tom Yum soup followed by peach pie with a slightly ginger-flavoured crust.



Ethan and Tahli have been building a cubby together, among lots of other wonderful stuff. My favourite Ethan quote on the topic of Tahli is “Dad, when are you guys going to go away again to that Tahli can look after me?” Right now Tahli is at the Chewton pool with both children.

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The Tree Change Begins

We have arrived in Vaughan Springs.

Where the hell is Vaughan Springs?

Well, to tell you the truth, I’m pleased you don’t know yet. That’s one of the wonderful things about this place. It’s a well-kept secret. Nobody’s heard of it. We hope you will come to know it though, when you come to visit us!


We’re in a little miners cottage called Tarilta. It belongs to Martin and Helen, friends of Karen & Pete. For the 4o years prior to that Peggy and Danny lived here. Danny was a circus magician and peggy his assistant. After that they ran a bakery together in Maryborough.

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Lots of little surprises in the garden.



There is a composting toilet we have dubbed “Howard”. Hey, it’s a John, it’s full of shit and it puts you in an untenable position.

We got off to a bit of a bad start with Howard, but things are looking up. I have a feeling you’ll be hearing more about him.







We arrived late last night and everyone is having fun. We had a wonderful first day. Here Ethan and I are making coconut and orange chocolate chip biscuits.


Skylight with leaves.


Anne’s letterbox, across the street. Her son is a sculptor.

We will keep you posted with news from Tarilta. Gotta go now as I have some important work to do: Hide and Seek, building cubby houses and swordfights.

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happy accident?


Or planned disaster? On the rail trail, this mammoth Eucalypt had fallen right in front of a berry farm. As a cyclist, you had no choice, really, but to detour around it into the clutches of the Berry Farm to sample home made berry ice cream!

Oh. and cups of fresh youngberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries with cream.

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