Lucinda Strikes Again

The family’s master neologist has a new term for y’all..
You know, when you have to stand up at school or kinder and “Show and Tell” …

Lucinda. She always leaves the English language in better shape than when she found it.

Poisonous Flower Drill.

Last night we had a fire drill here at Tasma (yeah I know, paranoid) – teaching the kids to get down low and crawl to the front door, and go out to the letterbox if there was a fire. When we finished, Lucinda (4) said “That’s for fire, right? What about the BATS? What about the POISONOUS FLOWERS?”.

We just hadnt covered enough bases for our Lucinda.

Missing for Longer than we Thought

We were down at the local playground this weekend,and Lucinda was out of my sight for a couple of minutes. I could see Ethan, though, so I called, “Ethan, where is Lucinda?”

He answered: “Oh, she died in the 1850’s” !

Lucinda the Girly Girl (for now)

These are all real quotes.

“My bum looks BIG in these jeans.” (looks in mirror)

“I am irritated with you when you leave the toilet seat up”

” I CANNOT find anything to wear (staring into wardrobe stuffed to bursting with clothes).”
