We all had a beautiful family night hosted by Kim and Lina, celebrating Paige, Fiona and Kim’s birthday. How’s the shoulder, Dad?
Audrey: I got a bad dream by owls.
Dad: What did you do?
Audrey: I boofed them out of the way.
You wrecked my parents
Audrey: you wrecked my parents!
Fiona: who are your parents??
Audrey: Laura. I don’t love you mummy.
Robot cat
Ethan won the dancing competition at the end of term disco!!
Ethan at the Dentist
Audrey’s word for ‘hen’: “mama cock-a-doodle” 🙂
Lucinda’s new word: “Actual-dently”
Apollo Bay
Girl Time
Girl time with Lucinda today. Shopping. “Daddy I love that dress so much I could marry it!”
We bought the dress.