E t h a n - N e t Week Three


We are very grateful at this dark time to have Ethan's tiny face to look at and remind us that
all is not wrong in this world, and to remind us of what is important, and what we can do.


Thanks to everyone for your thoughts, cards, letters, emails and gifts.




Fiona, Ethan and Nicholas at our house "Tasma" in Northcote. Ethan's sister Paige lives in Adelaide.




Ethan and his great grandmother, Nan McClelland



Ethan's face is always on the move, with a constant parade of expressions moving across it.
In the sequences below, you can even see the beginnings of a smile..








Hands, too, are always moving. Sometimes pugilistic, sometimes prayerful.
Already, Ethan can focus on and grab an object (sometimes).
But most of the time - he just punches himself
in the head and starts crying!




Current Ethan Page